Sunday, February 27, 2011

On Second Thought

My last post bemoaned my inability to train properly outside for my upcoming Half-Marathon and debated the merits of "wimping out" to the 4 mile race. I've been thinking it over and I've decided not to wimp.  I ran 6 miles this afternoon.  I was slower than I'd like but I'm going to credit one minute of that pace to the inherent slowness of running on snow-packed sidewalks.  When I ran on the well-cleared pavement around Lake of the Isles, my pace was very normal. 

I'm just stating this and sending it out into the innernets so that I feel all the more obligated to actually refrain from wimpage.  I won't be as well-trained as I'd like come race day, but I'll be well-trained enough to survive. And sometimes, survival is all one is shooting for. 

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