Friday, March 18, 2005


SPRING BREAK! I'm so happy I could lick something unsanitary!

But instead, I shall play with my compadres and watch lots of Celebrity Poker.

happiness is a full house and leftover shrimp primavera.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

For Stephanie's Sake

I have been informed that I must post on the blog at least three times a week, preferably the night before property class, so that dear Stephanie has something to read during class. So, far be it for me to disable a comrade's procrastination shipwreck, here she blows...

I spoke on the phone with my sister, Caroline (aka Scaroline, Pickle, Carebear, Lungzit, Bucket, the Black Falcon). Caroline is the baby of the family and she loves it. She's a realistic child and she knows that one kid under the roof equals a lot more crap for that kid. It's a law of physics. Or biology. Or something. I will now evaluate the financial situation of the three children.

Moi. I am broke. This is to be expected, of course. I am a graduate student living off loans and the occassional surprise cash that Marmee send my way. God bless her. I don't do laundry because it's a waste of water. I get gas ONLY when the gas light turns on. I buy my food at the "sketchy" grocery store. And when I shop and spend loads of money, I always end up bring back 3/4 of the haul due to guilt. But, I don't really feel broke. My parents will help me if I get into serious financial trouble. My friends are equally poor so cheap adventures suit us all. And I'm in school, what would I do with money anyway?

Mon frere. Roberta (aka Robert Houston, Rob, Loser). Roberta is a freshman at a private university in Chicago. He's awesome. And as he is a freshman, he is still under the assumption that money is imperative to happiness and that Daddy is a walking wallet. I have no doubt his money goes to pizza at midnight, pizza in the morning, CDs, beer. Such is college. The last playpen. The final Daddy Warbucks living experience. Sigh. How I do miss those days.

Ma soeur. The Pickle. 12 going on 18. We spoke on the phone last night and she's definitely got that snide, supercool, I-rock voice going on. I hope she keeps it. Moneywise she's a smart cookie. She saves for things she wants and what she wants but can't afford she asks for for birthdays or christmas. The key being that she doesn't have to WORRY about money. And she shouldn't, being 12. She SHOULD be coddled and cooed over and given things and sent to camp, etc. It's what my parents did for The Loser and I. I just didn't know how great we had it.

WHY did I not appreciate childhood? WHY did I not sleep in more? Or watch more cartoons? I really think from age 14ish I was thinking of college, not parties. I had my fun, of course. But I certainly didn't play as much as I should have. Oh woe is me. So, to remedy this loss I will do the following...
10. Stop setting my alarm for 5am when I don't have class til 10am. That's 5 hours. What am I doing in those 5 hours besides stressing out over NOTHING?

9. Feed the ducks with Stephanie.

8. Talk to my sister on the phone more. Live vicariously through her 12 year old crushes.

7. Make weird things to eat. I used to be addicted to ragu+green pepper sandwiches. Now I eat more "mature" food. Bullshit. Ragu+green pepper sandwiches are the bomb diggity. Who said immature combinations of food were a bad thing? I'm no BobbyFlay but potato chips dipped in yogurt kicks my ass.

6. Stop apologizing for my obnoxious laugh. Obnoxious is hot.

5. Tell my friends they're gorgeous. All the time.

4. Drink beer in bed (alright, I didn't do this as a child but it seems somewhat teenagerly).

3. Play softball. I will get my glove when I go home for spring break and then it's on, bitches.

2. Have a crush. Whole 9 yards, folks. Find out his schedule. Stalk him. Kiss my pillow and pretend it's him. Wear colors I know he likes. Have a meltdown when he says "hi" to me. And then, one day, wake up and decide I'm SO over him.

1. Wear shirts that display my boobs (I already do this...some things never change).

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Things that Went Wrong Today

1. I accidently set my alarm for 4am instead of 6am. I got up, took a shower, did my makeup, and did not realize how early it was until stepping outside at 5am and seeing that it was oddly dark.

2. I poured coffee on my grapenuts and did not realize it until I took a bite. Quite possibly the most disgusting bite of anything ever.

3. My blackberries, which I bought 2 days ago, are already moldy.

4. I broke the heel of my shoe while running up the stairs (after seeing that it was still dim outside).

5. I put creme eyeshadow on as lipstick. Thank heavens I looked in the mirror before walking out the door. Makeup companies should be forbidden to place different types of makeup into identical applilcators.

6. I dropped my right contact down the drain. Then I dropped the left one. What type of moron drops BOTH contacts down the drain within a 80 second period?

7. Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen broke up. First Brad and Jen, and now this? I can't take it anymore. Where is the love????

8. My first thought upon waking up was, "I have to go to class, do my con law between property and con law, do my contracts work, figure out my oral argument, do laundry, clean my room, deposit that check, balance my checkbook, figure out what's making my car smell like spoiled cheese,..." It sucks when your first thought of the day is a list of crap you have to do.

9. My favorite coke machine is out of order. I had to get water. It's 9:30am. I don't need water. I need chemicals.

10. I have over 12 hours before I can go back to bed.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Wow, I Don't Know What to Do With Myself

The appellate brief is finished.

Give me ideas.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Important Things to be Able to Say in Dutch

Belangrijke Dingen Zullen Bekwaam Zijn Te Zeggen in Nederlands
1. Ik ben een kalkoen.
2. Kan ik nog een bier hebben?
3. Ik beloof u voorgoed te houden van indien u belooft te stoppen ademen
4. Ik zou houden om van 4 beha's, 3 stellen van panties, een zwemmende poel en een dozijn oesters.
5. Komt u over en toneelstuk.
6. Een in de hand is waard twee in de struik.
7. ZOU rode haar, blauwe ogen, u meer perfectioneren KUNNEN ZIJN??
8. Nemt u mij naar uw leider.
9. Ik spreek Nederlands vlot.
10. Zuigt u op mijn tenen, hoer.

(copy and paste the above text, go to, and choose Dutch to English)

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Appellate Brief, Bowler Hats, and Megan's Sleeping

Today I am living in the library, sitting next to Katherine and across from Stephanie, working on The Brief.

I've been getting death threats due to my recent blog laziness so in order to preserve my own vitality I have decided to set down a few thoughts to satiate the masses.

1. My interviews went well. I looked cool.

2. On the way to school this morning I thought, perhaps, the wine from last night was still doing a number on me. It is not mardi gras season nor is it near any type of National costume-related holiday. However, a bearded man wearing a red silk robe and a bowler hat was riding his bicycle (with a clothed dog in the basket) down Freret street this morning. Yes, I thought I was hallucinating, too. But he was whistling. Can you see AND hear hallucinations?

3. My bestie, Megan, is spending a week down here with me. We are trying very hard not to kill each other. Megan is pretty much my sister (sometimes older, sometimes younger depending on our moods), she's known me since I was ten. Unfortunately, she picked the worst possible week in the history of mankind to visit me thanks to the appellate brief. So she's having to play by herself a lot, which makes me sad. And when we're together for longer than @ 3 hours we start to nitpick each other.
the real problem with Megan
1. she's prettier than me and that pisses me off
2. she thinks I'm pretty but when she says so I think she's lying
(3. these are largely thanks to my own issues, obviously)
4. she thinks I'm smarter than her so she's self-conscious around my school friends
5. she asks me permission to do things (turn on the fan, turn on the heat, etc.) which
makes me feel like a bad host/friend/southerner
6. she doesn't understand how much work I have to do
7. she lives too far away
8. she's the only human being on earth who knows when I'm kidding myself and she's
sometimes not smart enough to let me figure it out on my own
the real problem with this week
1. I have to do work
2. I wanna play with my sista.
3. Those two things seem to be mutually exclusive.
how I will solve the problem
1. go home at 8 to watch a movie and bake pizza and cookies and make guacomole (we
keep adding stuff to the's starting to get out of hand)
2. ride the streetcar to the quarter tomorrow and eat beignets and go to Mass
3. give her more hugs

4. I wear strange color schemes when I'm stressed out. For example, today I am sporting a melon-orangish-reddish shirt, green velour sweatpants, huge red hoop earrings, red flats, and a red and green ring...oh!...and my new chartreuse eyeshadow. Interesting, no doubt. But odd.

5. When I am stressed out I become obsessive-compulsive. For example, I applied my makeup alphabetically last night. Blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow, lip gloss, mascara. Hmmm. I normally apply my makeup as follows: eyeshadow, eyeliner (if I'm wearing either), lipgloss, mascara, blush. So, you see, my routine last night was quite bizarre.

6. Megan hates my feet. I just do not care about feet. I walk on them, they get me places, they wear fun shoes. Who cares if they're dry and cracked and otherwise unattractive? Since she has arrived I have applied more lotion to my toes than I have in the entire school year.

7. It's lovely outside and I'm indoors.

8. My ring is red with green vines and a little ladybug on it. It's heavy. Makes my right ring finger really sweat to keep it upright. I should give my finger a rubdown tonight after all the strenuous ring-lifting exercise.

9. I miss my non-law school life.

10. I want to go home.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Juice is my Friend

My friend, Juice, went to a talk the other night given by a scientist dude on the String Theory (alternate realities) and I was thinking, instead of doing Constitutional Law, it would be much more productive to contemplate what my other selves are doing in those other realities.

Rabbit Rachel: Hopping

Sea floor sediment particle Rachel: Sitting around, sedimenting

Me: Reading room, writing on my blog, scratching my nose, rearranging my bracelets so that the colors are arranged alphabetically (top to bottom of course)

Rae-of-the-Future: Riding a seahorse to work (in the future we will all be very, very tiny)

Clive Owen's Girlfriend: Um yeah. We'd be doing several different things. Several times a day.

Shadow: Under a really big tree, covering an ant hill, changing at random into ridiculously scary shapes to scare small children

Freckle: on the nose of a Moroccan child

Those are a few of my alternate realities. In comparison to the OCD of "Me" I'm sure we'd all prefer a smidge of alternate reality today. But it is beautiful outside and that's something.